Paul Simon revealed that he is suffering from significant hearing loss in one of his ears. During his June 25th appearance on CBS Sunday Morning, the 81-year-old discussed the process of writing his latest album, the critically acclaimed Seven Psalms, and shed light on the drastic state of his hearing today: “'Bout two years ago, two-and-a-half years ago, I started to lose hearing in my left ear and at the moment, it's, I think, eight percent hearing in that ear. It's upsetting, yeah. I can still hear well enough to play guitar and write but I can't hear well enough to play with five or six musicians. Maybe that's fine. Maybe that's something to be learned from that. I'll have to see what it is; acceptance of, y'know, less? That's life. Y'know, people have a lot worse than this.”

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Paul Simon Reveals Significant Hearing Loss
Jun 25, 2023 | 8:00 PM