Halestorm's Lzzy Hale has opened up about their tour bus catching on fire on Thursday morning (January 20th). In a radio interview, she said, “It happened at three a.m. Nobody was on the bus. It was a very emotional day yesterday.”
She continued, “I'm either crying or I was just laughing hysterically at it all and sometimes a combination of the two. Just because it could have gone so left in many ways. It's kind of like we dodged a bullet.”
As to what caused the fire, Lzzy said, “The investigator said it was something electrical — like in the walls or something. It basically started where mine and Josh's Smith, bass bunk would have been, which is kind of like mid-bunk hall. And it was just crazy 'cause the whole day I kept telling Arejay Hale, HALESTORM drummer and Lzzy's brother, 'cause Arejay and I kind of notorious bunk sleepers, even when we have days off — something with hotel rooms, I have trouble sleeping.”